If you want to contribute to one of the sessions, please submit a short abstract to the conveners of the relevant session.
Deadline for submitting abstracts to ISMD08: 30 June 2008
A. Dilute systems:
Conveners: Mandy Cooper-Sarkar (Oxford), Anna Kulesza (DESY), Ken Hatakeyama (Rockefeller)
Topics: High Q^2, structure functions, jets, central production.
How well do we know PDFs from HERA and the TeVatron and how well can we predict xsections at the LHC?
Are NLO PDFs all we need?
Which PDFs should be used in Monte Carlo event generators?
How small in x can we trust the linear evolution equations (BFKL/DGLAP)?
B. High density systems in ep, pp and heavy ions:
Conveners: D. d'Enterria (CERN), T.Csorgo (Budapest), E.Iancu (Saclay)
Topics: Saturation, hydrodynamcis, CGC, perfect fluids, AdS/CFT
What are the expected effect of Multiple Interactions and saturation at LHC?
What lesson from heavy ion collisions can shed light on saturation in pp and ep and vice versa?
What heavy ion physics can learn from pp and ep ?
Can ideas from hydrodynamics, classical fields and quenching be used in pp?
What from hard QCD calculations can be used in heavy ion physics?
C. Interpolation region:
Conveners: M. Grothe (CERN), M Albrow (FNAL), , K. Werner (Nantes)
Topics: Forward production at highest energies, diffraction, Glasma
What can cosmic rays say about forward physics at the LHC and vice versa?
Transition from dense to dilute systems, as discussed in HI&Cosmic Rays-relevance for pp:
forward production, diffractive event (shadow of a dense system) and PDFs?
D. Strategies and analysis methods
Conveners: E.DeWolf (Antwerp), A.Geiser (DESY), M.Sjodahl (Manchester)
Topics: Correlations, heavy quark production, MC techniques
How can forward detectors improve our understanding of QCD effects and identify signals for new physics?
Are existing tools sufficient and where should they be improved?
How can correlations be used to determine the size of the interaction and phase transitions?
E. New physics
Conveners: G. Weiglein (Durham), A. DeRoeck (CERN)
Topics: Possible signals for Higgs, Susy, etc.
Scenarios for new physics: how probable are the different scenarios?
How to discriminate new physics from complicated background like multiparton interactions?
How to discriminate different scenarios?
How well can LHC detectors cope with the different scenarios?
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